What I learnt from watching HSN
TV Sales Pitch Structure:
Talk about the problem
Talk about the solution
Talk about the benefits of the solution
Talk about the price that comes with a whole bunch of features
Talk about each features
Talk about the awards, achievements, and users of the product
Talk about the price that comes with life/business changing benefits
Call-to-action for audience to buy
Talk about limited time offer
Call-to-action for audience to buy again
Words to use:
It is a true worldwide phenomena
“For X, you will be getting… Wow”
“You are getting X dollars in bonuses.”
“The buy of the century.”
“This is only for you.”
“For X dollar, it is going to transform your…”
“For X dollar, you can try it, and if you don’t love it, I will beg you to let me refund you what you paid”
“I am so proud. This product is a phenomena.”
“This will transform your business…”
“With Deeptent you are suddenly adoring [the work]…”
“How many times you can’t…”
“It has won and many users using, it is definitely something right for you.”
“I just want to say for X dollar, you are getting [a whole bunch of benefits]”
“You are getting amazing value”
“For under X dollar, you can transform your life/business”
“[The product] is a $50,000 luxury product for just $338 a month”
“People create great products all day long, but some people just can’t afford the hefty price tag of it. This is not how I see creation. It needs be affordable. For just $338 a month you can…
“Thank you for taking the opportunity right now.”
“I am positive that if you purchase it, you will be thrilled with…”
“I am standing behind my product, right in person to tell you that my product is…”
“I am wrapping this up shortly”
“I am offering this deal for a limited time offer only”
“Only for $338 for…”
“You lock this in right now, I assure you…”