7 Steps to instrument Splunk Observability Cloud to monitor AWS SAM Lambda Node.js microservice
Capture metrics, traces, and logs from any source, and view them all in one place
Updated: 20 Oct 2021
Step 1
Spin up a Cloud9 instance
Step 2
Enable integration between AWS CloudWatch Log and Splunk Observability Cloud Log Observer by going to Data Setup (in Splunk Observability Cloud) > Amazon Web Services > Add Connection > Authentication Type: select External ID
Step 3
Start Node.js 12.x SAM project in Cloud9 terminal
sam init
Step 4
Add environment variables by going to template.yaml > Resources > Properties > Environment > Variables
SIGNALFX_ACCESS_TOKEN: <your-access-token>
SIGNALFX_SERVICE_NAME: <your-microservice-name>
SIGNALFX_SPAN_TAGS: deployment.environment:<your-name>-sandbox
SIGNALFX_METRICS_URL: https://ingest.<your-realm>.signalfx.com
SIGNALFX_ENDPOINT_URL: https://ingest.<your-realm>.signalfx.com/v2/trace
Step 5
Add lambda layer by going to template.yaml > Resources > Properties > Layers
- arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-1:254067382080:layer:signalfx-lambda-nodejs-wrapper:23
Step 6
Add SignalFx code for logging (correlate trace and span id to log lines for CloudWatch to Log Observer log correlation) and tracing.
const signalFxLambda = require('signalfx-lambda'); // required for .asyncWrapper or .wrapper
const tracing = require("signalfx-lambda/tracing"); // required to use logs, set our own tags, or invoke other cloud functionslet traceId;
let spanId;exports.lambdaHandler = signalFxLambda.asyncWrapper(async (event, context) => {
const version = '1'; // versioning makes iterative dev and debugging easier
const fullEnvName = process.env ? process.env['SIGNALFX_SPAN_TAGS'] : 'unknown-environment-yet'; // get the full environment name
const envName = fullEnvName.replace('deployment.environment:', ''); // get the environment name
const svcName = process.env ? process.env['SIGNALFX_SERVICE_NAME'] : 'unknown-service-yet'; // get the service name
try {
const contextCarrier = {}; // any writeable object will do
tracing.inject(contextCarrier); // propagate context to inject x-b3 info
if (contextCarrier) {
traceId = contextCarrier["x-b3-traceid"]; // get trace id
spanId = contextCarrier["x-b3-spanid"]; // get span id
correlateApmToLo(traceId, spanId, envName, svcName, `logging test - linking APM to Log Observer ${version}`); // test logging info
const tracer = tracing.tracer(); // To add any other data into Spans as Tags
if (tracer) {
const currentSpan = tracer.scope().active(); // get the current span
currentSpan.setTag('jek_custom_tag.some_tag_key.message', 'some_tag_value') // set custom tag
// this will appear in APM > Traces > Waterfall > Tags (key value pair)
signalFxLambda.helper.sendGauge('jek-custom-metrics-16oct2021.weeksOn', 6); // send custom metrics
// this will appear in Dashboard > New Chart > Add Metric or Event field *note: numerical value
// if (event && event['aws.ec2']) {
//. // send custom event of cloudwatch event
// const dimensions = {source: event['source'], account: event['account']};
// const properties = {functionName: context['function-name'], detailType: event['detail-type']};
// signalFxLambda.helper.sendCustomEvent('jek-custom-event-17oct2021', dimensions, properties); // this will appear in Dashboard > New Chart > Add Metric or Event field
// //We can also send CloudWatchEvent using .sendCloudWatchEvent(event)
// // forward CloudWatch Event (now called EventBridge) to Splunk O11y Cloud
// // Reminder: Lambda function needs to be triggered by EventBridge (former CloudWatchEvent) for .sendCloudWatchEvent(event) to work
// signalFxLambda.helper.sendCloudWatchEvent(event); // this will appear in Dashboard > New Chart > Add Metric or Event field
// }
const response = {
'statusCode': 200,
// 'headers': {
// 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' : '*',
// 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
// 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'OPTIONS,POST,GET',
// 'Access-Control-Max-Age': 2592000, // 30 days
// 'Timing-Allow-Origin': '*',
// 'Server-Timing': getServerTraceContext(traceId, spanId),
// 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers': 'Server-Timing'
// },
'body': JSON.stringify({
'message': `jek nodejs12 16 oct 2021 - version ${version}`,
console.log('jek_response', response)
return response;;
} catch (err) {
correlateApmToLo(traceId, spanId, envName, svcName, `logging error - linking APM to Log Observer ${version}`);
return err;
});// connect APM and LO with trace id in this format
// The format is found here https://docs.splunk.com/Observability/get-started/relatedcontent.html#splunk-log-observer
const correlateApmToLo = (traceId, spanId, envName, svcName, message) => {
const logObj = {
'trace_id': traceId || '',
'span_id': spanId || '',
'deployment': {
'environment': envName
'service': {
'name': svcName
'message': message || '',
'severity': 'INFO' || 'ERROR'
console.log(JSON.stringify(logObj)); // must have JSON.stringify before logging
I chose .asyncWrapper over .wrapper because when creating a hello world lambda function using SAM, it uses async (event, context) => {…} by default.
Feel free to explore .wrapper as well.
Step 7
Build and deploy SAM project
sam build && sam deploy --guided
Remember to clean up your lambda function and integration when no longer needed. Clean up by reversing the steps above. Refer to the README.md in the sam project for guidance.
FAQ #1
Q: I have used my code to send custom event, where do I find my custom event in Splunk Observability Cloud?
A: From Home > Dashboard > (Your Name / Email Address) > New Chart > Browser > Search.
- This is the main repo that contains the SignalFx Lambda Node.js wrapper. https://github.com/signalfx/lambda-nodejs
- Note that Splunk OTel Lambda will be supporting Node.js soon https://github.com/signalfx/splunk-otel-lambda so SignalFx Lambda Node.js wrapper may eventually be deprecated.
- Further example on how to use Splunk OTel Lambda can be found here https://github.com/signalfx/lambda-layer-versions/tree/master/splunk-apm
- This example code is helpful. Also if you are interested in exploring more than Hello World of AWS Lambda Node.js with Splunk Observability Cloud, then you must check out that example code. https://github.com/kdroukman/splunk_poc_lambda
- This other example code is helpful too. https://github.com/bxtp4p/splunk-lambda-examples
- This doc talks about the purpose of custom event. It is to add context to metrics. For example, you might send a custom “code push” event each time your development team deploys new code, so that you can correlate it with the resource consumption profiles of your infrastructure before and after the event. https://docs.splunk.com/Observability/alerts-detectors-notifications/view-data-events.html
- This API doc shows the API. Essentially, SignalFx Lambda Nodejs wrapper follows this API doc. https://dev.splunk.com/observability/reference/api/ingest_data/latest#endpoint-send-events
- This doc talks about how Application Performance Monitoring (APM) connects with Log Observer (LO) using trace_id. https://docs.splunk.com/Observability/get-started/relatedcontent.html
- This doc talks about SignalFx CloudWatch Event Forward with code example. https://github.com/signalfx/cloudwatch-event-forwarder
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My name is Jek. I am a Sales Engineer specialising in Splunk Observability Cloud. I wrote this because I enjoy sharing my knowledge.
The postings on this site are my own and do not represent the position or opinions of Splunk Inc., or its affiliates.