5 Steps to add Moment.js to Angular CLI

How to add moment.js to Angular CLI workspace?

CHOO Jek Bao
2 min readDec 15, 2016

Updated: 17 Sep 2020


Moment.js is used for parsing, validating, manipulating, and displaying dates and times in JavaScript. In this guide, we are adding Moment.js to Angular (application platform). It is worth noting that alternatives to using Moment.js are:

  1. date-fns (use libary such as ngx-date-fns is one of the many ways to use date-fns with Angular.)
  2. Luxon (how to use Luxon with Angular2)

***It is important to note that “Moment to be a legacy project in maintenance mode. It is not dead, but it is indeed done.” It is because “the effort to make better date and time APIs in the JavaScript language is being done via The ECMA TC39 Temporal Proposal. It is currently at Stage 2 of the TC39 process.” (ref)

Literature Review: Moment.js Vs. date-fns Vs. Luxon

Moment.js has quite a big performance overhead” according to Matt (2017).

Luxon = 24.6kB minified & gziped vs 61.4kB for Moment.” according to Buzut (2017).

Moment.js has a few problems that motivated me to start the project.” according to kossnocorp (2016).

Considerations for using Moment.js (IMO)

  1. Kind of a de-facto standard for manipulating date and time in JavaScript.
  2. Usable with Angular Material’s datepicker.
  3. You don’t (may not) need Moment.js

5 Steps to add Moment.js to Angular CLI workspace

Step 1: Install Angular CLI via terminal i.e. using MacOS

npm install -g @angular/cli

Step 2: again in terminal

ng new my-first-moment-project
cd my-first-moment-project

Step 3: Install Moment via in terminal

npm install moment --save

Step 4: in app.component.ts (.ts is a TypeScript file)

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

import * as moment from 'moment'; // add this 1 of 4

selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
title = 'app works!';

constructor() {
let now = moment(); // add this 2 of 4
console.log('hello world', now.format()); // add this 3 of 4
console.log(now.add(7, 'days').format()); // add this 4of 4


Step 5: in terminal

ng serve

Then open your browser e.g. Chrome and navigate to http://localhost:4200



CHOO Jek Bao
CHOO Jek Bao

Written by CHOO Jek Bao

Love writing my thoughts, reading biographies, and meeting like-minded friends to talk on B2B software sales, engineering & cloud solution architecture.

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