Prospect/sell ASAP, even before building your software — start by creating a landing page!
This guy is doing it right: The Learn Startup approach
A Reddit user, by the name Julian, commented on many posts (to a degree some considered it as spamming) to promote his software products. Nevertheless, I clicked on his promoted product link and explored his software product landing page. To my surprise, I discovered that Julian’s software product (or strictly speaking his landing page) is barely ready for mass market sales. So why is Julian promoting his product to the mass market when it is not yet ready?
Julian is testing the market by selling his software product early before he builds it further. Julian knows the importance of early feedback loop. I am happy for him that he received feedback.
Feedback for any businesses are a form validation. In particular for software startup because it gives founder a sense of market demand before making further investment. It’s, therefore, the reason I like Julian’s startup approach. I messaged him to cheer him on.
Prospect or sell before we build our software product is not a new approach. Often, people neglect the importance of validation by getting early feedback. So why are people neglecting this?
Most people are carried away by the fact that they know a new skill, a new technique, a new idea, or a new knowledge. It’s therefore people got carried away with the idea of building something right away.
All in all, we must remind ourselves to sell early, prospect early before we develop our software product any further! So we must consistently aim to get early feedback.
If you don’t like the idea that software startup should prospect or sell first before the building the product in full, then you might not like this book The Lean Startup.
Eric Ries, the author of The Lean Startup, emphasized the importance of feedback loop within the shortest possible cycle time. So if you are not convinced by me that we should sell or prospect as early as possible before building your software further, maybe Eric’s book can convince you.