.NET Core
Understanding ASP.NET Core 3.x
Exploring the Project Structure of ASP.NET Core 3
The Project File
The Main Method
Program.cs contains Main method that is the entry point for the application.
Dependency Injection
Configuring Dependency Injection
IOC container refers to Inversion of Control container. The container manages the lifetime of objects.
A transient container means instance of the type is created everything it is asked for.
A scoped container means the instance will live until the web request is completely handled.
A singleton lifetime means once an instance is created, the same instance will be supplied until the app closes.
Dependency Injection opens great opportunity for unit testing.
This approach makes the complexities about the lifetime of objects go away. It is no longer tied to a specific service e.g. ConferenceApiService or ConferenceMemoryService. We can easily swap out the service in Startup.cs allowing us to unit test easily.
Hence, no “hard” dependencies.
Configuring the Pipeline
Adding Middleware
Launch Profiles
[Couldn’t find the option to change launch profiles]
The wwwroot Folder
Working with Packages and Libraries
Packages with NuGet and NPM
Working with NPM
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Bundler and Minifier
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Using Task Runners
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Understanding ASP.NET Core 3 MVC
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Blazor and SignalR
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Setting up a Web API
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What is .NET Core?
.NET Core isn’t tied to Windows unlike .NET Framework.
CoreCLR contains functionality of .NET Core. It has type system, garbage collector, and other services.
CoreFX is the framework libraries all kind of types. It is like the base class library.
The .NET Core CLI
How to use CLI to build application refer to Pluralsight Understanding ASP.NET Core 3.x by Roland Guijt > Chapter 7 Developing Applications Across Frameworks and Operating Systems > dotnet: The .NET Core CLI
Managing .NET Core Versions
$ dotnet --info
View the versions.
ASP.NET Core Topology
First, browser hits the web server IIS. Then IIS invokes dotnet runtime at initial startup which will load the CLR. Then CLR looks for an entry in App. The App then starts an internal web server in the application called Kestrel. Then the request is route from IIS to Kestrel. After which, IIS just sends the request to Kestrel. Finally, all request is pushed through the pipeline that is configured in the Startup.cs. In the pipeline, there are middle wares.
From pipeline → Kestrel → IIS → Browser.
Framework Dependent Deployments
This is a framework dependent process.
Self-contained Deployments
Different from the above framework dependent approach, we can have a distribution of this app as self contained. Put another way, the .NET Core and runtime will be included. Hence, no need to pre-install on the server that runs it.
Follow the video to publish a self-contained app, Pluralsight Understanding ASP.NET Core 3.x by Roland Guijt > Chapter 8 Deploying ASP.NET Core 3 Applications > Self-contained Deployments.
$ dotnet publish -c Release -r osx-x64 --self-contained
The command to use in terminal is above.
-c Release means the Release
-r osx-x64 is the RID for mac
self-contained is to generate it for self-contained.
- Commands for dotnet publish https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-publish
- Example of deploying self-contained with mac os https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/deploying/
- Docs on RID https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/rid-catalog
IIS is a full-blown web server. Image running a self-contained app in command line, what if it runs into error? Hence, we need a full-blown web server like IIS that can restart when met with errors.
Great course for understanding .NET Core https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/understanding-aspdotnet-core-3x