Good Voice: a standout at any sales situation.

A new unique approach to an old trade.

CHOO Jek Bao
5 min readOct 6, 2020

A good voice is important for pitching and closing deals. Because what and how we say it can attract or repel listeners. So it is important to practice your pitches and improve on your voice projection.

My “sales” voice practices are:

  • Ep. 1 — Practice abdominal and rib breathing (on exhale don’t squeeze upper abs but gently exhale) while speaking normally (e.g. May May May May May May May)
  • Ep. 5 — Practice neutral, low, and high lip trill
  • Ep. 10 — Practice middle note using piano
  • Ep. 19 — Practice breath support with V, Z, M, N, NG, and U.
  • Ep. 20 — Practice breath support through hissing
  • Ep. 23 — Practice yodel with “i” (pronounce as ‘ee’) and “u” (pronounce as ‘oouu’) vowels using piano
  • Ep. 32 — Practice knowing the difference between air flow with spreading mouth, normal mouth, and plucked mouth
  • Ep. 42 — Practice low/tight larynx do “bub, bub, bub” while high/loose larynx do “he, he, he” with piano.
  • Ep. 49 — Practice tongue trills, optionally with piano 1–3–5–8–5–3–1
  • Ep. 52 — Practice solar plexus (celiac plexus) pops out on inhale and exhale, optionally with piano “ma” 1–2–3–4–3–2–1
  • Ep. 54 — Practice ‘EE’ vowel with the tongue tip touching the bottom of the teeth with the back of the tongue lifted. After which, practice GWEEN’ with piano on 5–4–3–2–1.
  • Ep. 55 — Practice jaw and tongue isolation where tongue only (no jaw) KANA-KANA-KANA-KANA-KANA with piano on 1–2–3–2–1, then practice with jaw only (no tongue) BE-BE-BE (pronoun it as bear-bear-bear) with piano on 8–5–1
Record your voice practices

Below are the voice lessons I learned for projecting my “sales” voice :)

Ep. 1 “4 Breathing Types”

  1. “High” Breath
  2. Abdominal Breath (Recommended)
  3. Rib Breath (Recommended)
  4. Low Back Breath

Ep. 2 “Nasality Vs. Nasal Resonance”

  1. Nasal Resonance (Recommended)
  2. Nasality — Nasal Sound

Ep. 3 “How To Riff- The Pentatonic Scale”


Ep. 4 “Larynx And Style”


Ep. 5 “What’s The Point Of Lip Trills?”

Lip trill exercise is important exercise with arpeggio pattern (8–5–3–1)

  • Flat lip trill exercise
  • Low lip trill exercise
  • High lip trill exercise

Ep. 6 “Vibrato Speeds”


Ep. 7 “My Voice Is Weak”

For strong voice, do not use “high” breath. It’s because the air will be expelled too quickly causing voice to sound weak. Instead use abdominal breath to support my voice.

Ep. 8 “Hard Consonants”


Ep. 9 “You’re Not Tone Deaf”

Practice pitch making with the piano unless it is a medical condition.

Ep. 10 “Middle Notes or High Notes”

To hit high notes, first practice the middle notes. For men, middle notes are Ab3 — Eb4


  • Do not increase volume or get louder thinking it is hitting high notes
  • Do not squeeze or lift larynx
  • Do not lose my head resonance

Ep. 11 “Combatting Nerves”


Ep. 12 “Cracking”


Ep. 13 “Healthy Belting”


Ep. 14 “Cool Teenagers”


Ep. 15 “Pop vs. Classical”


Ep. 16 “Please Don’t Judge”


Ep. 17 “Lowering The Larynx”


Ep. 18 “Strong Abs”


Ep. 19 “What’s A ‘Filter’?”

Exercises with filters are V, Z, M, N, NG, and U. Another exercise is tongue trills.

Ep. 20 “Hiss Contest!”

Breathing is not the same as breath support. Breathing is basically breathing in and out.

To have good breath support, the classic exercise is hissing. The exercise is to hiss for as long as possible ~ one minute.

Ep. 21 “Falsetto Vs. Head Voice”


Ep. 22 “Quick Changes”


Ep. 23 “Benefits Of Yodeling”

Practice “Yodel-ay-hee-hoo” by starting with Yodel “i” (pronounce as ‘ee’) and with Yodel “u” (pronounce as ‘oouu’) vowel exercises.

Ep. 24 “Breathe… Then What?”


Ep. 25 “Key Wisdom”


Ep. 26 “Baritone Curse”


Ep. 27 “How To Riff 2: Slashes”


Ep. 28 “Bad To Be Breathy?”


Ep. 29 “Practice Practice”


Ep. 30 “Vibrato 1- Pitch Changes”


Ep. 31 “Changing Your Style”


Ep. 32 “Spreading”

Avoid spreading the mouth. To see the difference (spread mouth vs. normal mouth vs. plucked mouth), practice with “ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma, ma” (1, 3, 5, 8, 5, 3, 1).

Ep. 33 “Tongue Retraction”


Ep. 34 “Pitch On A Pedestal”


Ep. 35 “Jaw Thrust”


Ep. 36 “Aspects of Musical Theatre”

I like the introduction to Conversational Singing.

Ep. 37 “Glottal: Friend Or Foe?”


Ep. 38 “The Deadly I”


Ep. 39 “You’ll Never Be A Good Singer”


Ep. 40 “The Mix Voice”


Ep. 41 “Adding Technique To Songs”


Ep. 42 “The Amazing Larynx”

To practice, for low/tight larynx do “bub, bub, bub” while for high/loose larynx do “he, he, he” with piano.

Ep. 43 “Reinforced Falsetto”


Ep. 44 “Three In One”


Ep. 45 “What Is The Passaggio?”


Ep. 46 “What’s The Vocal Fry”


Ep. 47 “Vocal Fry For Compression”


Ep. 48 “Vocal Fry Falloffs”


Ep. 49 “How To Roll Your R’s and Tongue Trills”

Practice tongue trills for better breath support. Do it with 1–3–5–8–5–3–1 exercise. We can also practice from lip trill to tongue tril transition.

Ep. 50 “A New York Minute”


Ep. 51 “Diphthongs”


Ep. 52 “The Shiny Solar Plexus”

Practice solar plexus (celiac plexus) pops out on inhale and exhale, optionally with piano “ma” 1–2–3–4–3–2–1.

Ep. 53 “The Singer’s Diet”


Ep. 54 “The Magic EE”

Practice ‘EE’ vowel. The tongue touches the bottom of the teeth with the back of the tongue lifted. Be mindful of not to spread mouth when practicing ‘EE’ vowel.

Then practice ‘GWEEN’ with piano on 5–4–3–2–1.

Ep. 55 Jaw/Tongue: The Great Divorce

Practice jaw and tongue isolation.

Practice KANA-KANA-KANA-KANA-KANA with piano on 1–2–3–2–1

Practice BE-BE-BE (pronoun it as bear-bear-bear) with piano on 8–5–1

Ep. 56 “How To Riff 3: Becoming Obsessed”


Ep. 57 “Vocal Nodes and Nodules”


Ep. 58 “Legato Singing”


Ep. 59 “Musical Theatre Audition Songs”


Ep. 60 “The Soft Palate — The Return of The Ring”




CHOO Jek Bao
CHOO Jek Bao

Written by CHOO Jek Bao

Love writing my thoughts, reading biographies, and meeting like-minded friends to talk on B2B software sales, engineering & cloud solution architecture.

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